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The WOOSH-it Journey

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Tag Archives: journey

photo_174_20080825I’d like to write an honest and personal piece about my journey to 27. Think of it like a confessional. Through the years, things that we may have disliked, we now love and our minds keep changing on a frequent basis.

The are many should have’s and some regrets. But the best thing about it is you learn from them.

Although there have been many hardships and adversities that many of us face, I wouldn’t have had any other way. Not ranked in any order, here are my life’s admissions to date:

1.       I have to admit that I should have started to meditate at an earlier age

2.       I have to admit that I used to procrastinate massively about really trivial things

3.       I have to admit that I used to waste time and money on material things

4.       I  have to admit that looking after those material possessions kept me up at night worrying about them and stressing about trying to make space for the useless items

5.       I have to admit that I used to pass judgement on others that did not deserve any of it

6.       I have to admit that I used to feel the need to control others or situations

7.       I have to admit that I have fallen for a few get rich quick schemes that have cost me dearly

8.       I have to admit that I used to follow the crowd. In other words, I was a sheep.

9.       I have to admit that I consume far too much butter

10.    I have to admit, that I don’t care much for the news

11.    I have to admit that I don’t give enough to charity

12.    I have to admit that I have a weakness for sweet stuff (see my other site

13.    I have to admit that I should exercise more

14.    I have to admit, I spend way too much time on the computer

15.    I have to admit, I should stop doing so much overtime at work and spend more time with loved ones as well as hobbies/passions

16.    I have to admit, I have wasted so much time worrying over this financial crisis. It’s only as bad as you think it is- avoid the media.

17.    I have to admit, I clean and organise my place way too often aka a clean freak

18.    I have to admit, I used to have a weakness for anything that is new or claims to do wonders

19.    I have to admit, I used to always procrastinate about doing things rather than taking action to better my life

20.    I have to admit, I can be stubbon at times and have let the pride get in the way, thus missing out on opportunities

21.    I have to admit, I don’t care much for politics

22.    I have to admit, I really don’t like beer

23.    I have to admit, I’ve watched Beetlejuice more than 56 times

24.    I have to admit, I now take better care in my spending habits and financial ventures

25.    I have to admit, I’d rather clean the bathroom than do any ironing

26.    I have to admit, I always seem to only see the good in people which has caused me some heartache through the years

27.    I have to admit, I really get annoyed when people pass judgement on others except for themselves

Remember to WOOSH-it!


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How would I define success? For starters, I wouldn’t describe it in one definitive statement.

Much like ‘love,’ each person has their own experiences, and therefore, has their own way of describing it.

For me, success is a feeling you’ve done well at something- whether it be large or small- no matter what, you still feel that sense of achievement. You want to just pat yourself on the back (when not in public)

You see, we live in a society where success is generally judged by status (job) or material wealth which then leads to discontent within ourselves when those things aren’t achieved. If you don’t have a great career, X amount of wealth, a house are not considered successful. People tend to dismiss their other achievements to instead keep up with “the Jonses” which is only competing with everyone else. Success is not pursued, it is attracted as ability may get you to the top, but your “character and attitude” will keep you there.

So what’s the solution?

A change in your way of thinking and attitude about your life and surroundings. Sounds simple doesn’t it? For some it may just be, but for others this process may take years depending on their habits, experiences, cultural backgrounds and childhood conditioning.

One step is to change you definition of success NOW. Try not to compare your achievement with those of others. Be grateful about for what you have achieved no matter how small. It may be the following:

–        Keeping your household budget for the week

–        Turning up to work early  for a whole month instead of running late

–        You were able to resist that takeaway coffee urge each day which has now saved you thousands each year or that packet of chips which you would have regretted anyways

–        You made someone laugh or smile

You see, the more I feel I am continually achieving success, the more it is coming my way. Also, consider every failure as an opportunity to become a better person and to learn rather than letting it get the best of you. We all make mistakes, it’s how you overcome the adversity that determines your life.

Start with small steps until this becomes a habit. Be patient and consistent, don’t expect things to happen instantly as this will only lead to frustration and would take away all the hard work you’ve put in so far.

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