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Tag Archives: lose weight

Summer is coming up and most the girls are all talking about dieting and tanning in order to be ready for this summer! Of course we can’t hide in long jumpers and jeans..


I don’t want to feel like I have to hide at home because I cant wear shorts, skirts or dresses…so I have decided to start eating healthy again and exercising more!

I’m not really a big fan of diets but this time I decided to do a short diet for only 2 weeks so that way I can train my body to get rid of all the junk food cravings! Some people say that during summer you won’t eat as much and its easier to lose weight! Well its true to a certain extent but I still believe that there will be still a tendency of eating the wrong foods…such more sugary foods such as eating more fruits which are high in sugar, lolllies, or shakes, smoothies, ice-creams.


Well I know for sure that I will still crave for junk no matter what time or season! So in order to cut out my bad habit I will definitely need to be strict for 2 weeks! What I mean about going on a strict diet is actually cutting out all the complex carbohydrates I like completely…and I mean no carbs at all! At first when I told myself that I actually scared myself because I love my CARBS a lot especially all my sushi hand rolls, noodles rice and bread! I definitely understand that I need it for sure in order to give me energy to burn fuel whilst training hard at the gym but I am not on this for long because all I’m trying to do is really get rid of my habit of eating too much carbs!


So hopefully at the end of the 2 week no carb diet I will update everyone how I feel after completing it. My aim is definitely to cut down on my portion sizes as well so when I finish this diet I would of trained my body to eat little amounts of carbohydrates during the day!


After the 2 weeks I have already planned to eat only one serve of carbs a day so I will slowly put some carbs back into my diet again! but I will do it gradually in a healthy way otherwise I will put the weight back on which means it would have been pointless dieting! At the end of the 2 weeks my intention is to diet healthily so that way I can keep the weight off forever and look good!








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Just a peice of advice to everyone out there who wishes to lose weight:

Please don’t get sucked into diet supplements, weight loss tablets, protein drinks etc.

I have tried most of them of them on the market and NO they don’t work at all.

They are only good, if you are seriously committed to lose weight and is good to give you a kick-start to your healthy diet but you can not rely on them all the time.

I have tried all the ones you can think of on the market:

– GNC and other branded protein drinks

– Protein bars/ Chips and Chocolate / protein snacks (alternative to Junk food)

– Blackmore / Curve/Lean weighloss tablets

– metabolic tablets

-lemonade diet- lemon syrp

-14 day detox tablet/ weightloss program

-Appetite suppressant lollies

-cabbage / soup diets

– no fat and sugar diet

My next phase was perhaps trying out lite n Easy or Jenny Craig..or other diet programs reccomended by the selected pharmacies

Now I know this was going to cost me more money and what makes me think that this will work if all the other fad diets that I have tried in the past haven’t worked. Not only it will cost me more money but it won’t help me lose weight permanantly in a healthy way. I’m sure if you can afford to pay an ongoing cost to help you get back on track, then go ahead and do it. But I’m sure there are other effective ways in losing weight, it doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money to help you lose weight.

Everyone has a different body type so these tips might not be easy for everyone to adapt, but it is possible for everyone to give it a try and make it a healthy habit. Don’t make your diet only short term goal but a long term goal. It is much more safer for you to lose weight gradually rather than losing the within a short period of time, because the disadvantages of losing weight too quickly may cause you to put back on the excess weight. As a result it is will take twice as long to lose the weight again and it will be hard to keep it off.

So rather going on a diet, just try to adapt a healthier lifestyle by adapting a healthier eating pattern and before you know it you will shed those kilos off forever.

Here they are:

– control your meal portion sizes- put everything on a plate or bowl before you eat.

– chew more on your food slowly, so you are not eating too fast. This is because it takes 20 minutes for  you to realise that you are full. So once you have finished your meal,  don’t think of getting a second portion but instead look forward in doing something else such as watching TV, read a book or make a phone call which could stop yourself thinking of food.

– try to eat heavy or complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread, pasta, cereal) earlier on the day such as for breakfast or for lunch, followed by a smaller / lighter meal for dinner (preferably no heavy carbohydrates but more salads, vegetables and high in protein food eg. chicken, fish, bean curd, beans)

– for breakfast try to have high in  protein foods so it stops you from binging on junk food through out the day or snacking. (eggs, lean bacon, chicken, baked beans, soya milk) you can still have it with your favourite toast or cereal. ( Tip: never skip breakfast, people that eat breakfast find it more easier to lose weight compared to the people that skip breakfast, because eating breakfast can speed up your metabolic rate or in other words you can burn more kilojoules throughout the day without doing strenous excercise)

– Snack on healthy foods and low GI snacks- such as low fat/ Low Gi yoghurt eg. Yoplait with low sugar and low fat and lower calories. other healthier snacks alternatives include,almonds, fresh fruit, carrots and celery with cheese / low fat dips, tuna, soups, dark chocolate.

-Always read the packaging for the nutritional content so you don’t get mislead by the marketing of the product for instance 99% fat free, low in sugar & fat etc.

– Make an effort of excercising everyday, at least 20 minutes a day. Try to go for short walks around your block, take up a sport you would like to try, have a variety if you don’t like going to the gym. Otherwise you can be like me and be a gym junkie. Do anything to motivate yourself to get started  then make it a habit to keep you going. Perhaps you can get friends to join you in whatever you want to try.

-If you would like to save, don’t have to try diet or weight loss supplements, remember you can not rely on them on a long term basis. Its all about developing a healthier lifestyle not a just a following a fad.

– Becareful of reading different diet myths and fads, because these are only short term weight loss, its not always the safest way and keeping the weight off in the long term. So don’t follow them.

-You are allowed to have drinks that contain caffeine, but not too many a day, so coffee and other energy drinks are allowed but have in a moderation because most of these drinks will contain a lot of sugar and calories.

-Protein drinks and bars are usually recommended after a work out but you can still consume high- in protein foods. It’s your choice if you can afford buying it, then its great. Bear in mind wait for an hour before eating.

– Keep a food diary, if you have trouble controlling of how much food you eat a day, writing what you eat make you realise how much you are really eating. This will help you plan ahead what you should be eating and when you should be eating.

– Try not to have anything to eat 3-4 hours before you go to bed

– Its ok to have junk food or something bad while you are out with your friends, just make it as your treat  if you have been good through out the week. Just as long you take responsibility for your choices and actions and don’t feel guilty afterwards. So if you have made the choice to have a dessert/alcohol or a fattening meal on the weekend just enjoy it, don’t whinge afterwards but instead make a plan to go to work it off the next day for instance going to the gym for a run or to think of an active activity to participate with your friends and family. Don’t fall in the trap of thinking that you have ruined your diet for the week because once you think this way, you will be tempted to eat more than you should. So no matter what stay positive and continue on with your healthy lifestyle don’t be discouraged just because you had something bad on the weekend. (I have been struggling this for years and now I have been able to overcome this bad habit, by just changing the way I think and to be more positive. and woosh-it’s saying BE now Before I can BECOME.)

A way to help you stay positive, is always be the ideal person you want to be NOW. Therefore if you want to be a skinny bitch, then be one now and act as if you were already a skinny bitch. Adapt the eating habits and the lifestyle habits of the skinny bitch now, don’t think too much of the outcome or the result of being skinny, however spend more time on focusing on the steps and ways to be that person you want to be. The time you spend developing your brand new self is way more important than thinking about the ideal person you want to be at the end. This is because you can’t guarantee that the ideal person you want to be would make you happy, so the bottom line is to be satisfied with yourself everyday and accept yourself for who you are. Enjoy the process of the developing a healthier lifestyle and don’t focus too much on the end result, because the results will come if only you stay positive and patient.

– As a summary just follow one of the WOOSH-it’s saying “BE NOW BEFORE you can BECOME ”

Trust me readers, try adapting these healthy habits and you will definately start to see results within weeks, if not you can at least start to feel healthier, lighter, happier and before you know it you will start to realise that you are losing weight gradually. At the same time you won’t have to waste money weight loss products/ supplements and other weight loss programs.

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