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The WOOSH-it Journey

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Gratitude has certainly changed my life- especially in bad times. It has made me a much more positive and happier person in all that I do because it always reminds me of how blessed I am for all that I have for each day that I am given despite circumstances.


There is always something to be really thankful for. Don’t focus on what you don’t have.


A circumstance where you might think as impossible to be grateful for could be when a co-worker does something to upset you. Before of getting mad at them, pause, take a few deep breaths and think of the times when they had done something nice for you, if they did a good job- I’m sure you will find something. This will only improve your mood.


Another instance is showing your gratitude, especially towards your significant other. It can revitalise your relationship as you’re not always pointing out faults within each other. You will both learn how to improve your relationship, rather than hanging on to prides.


A handy trick that has proved useful in any circumstance, is asking myself “will this matter in 5 years time?”

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Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can. – Dalai Lama

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In today’s society, we can not live up to everyone’s expectations, so therefore we have to make wise choices which make ourselves happy. Everyone is different, therefore everyone has different expectations so it is impossible make everyone happy or satisfied. Rather than wasting time in trying to make people around you happy spend more time to focus on what you want in life which could make you a better and happier person.

Remember being more positive can only attract more friends and happier people around you. The key to make people around you happy is to find happiness within yourself first and please bear in mind true happiness does not depend on another person or materialistic things on earth; it is what defines who you are as a person or your real identity.

What does this really mean? You want people to like you for who you are such as attitude, personality, beleifs and morals you personally have. So be yourself, do not judge someone by their appearance, possessions or status, because it does not define their identity or who they really are.

My advice to everyone,  if you have an ideal person you want to be with or attract into your life, be that personn NOW and you shall attract the person you want in your life today.

 As a result people will like you for who you are, and it is not based on your career, or what car you drive, or the clothes you wear.

The quality of your life depends on the people you do life with, if you hang around wise men, you will be wise, however if you hang around fools, you would be a fool yourself. So choose your friends and your future partner wisely, because most of the time the choices we make in our lives are heavily influenced by the people we do life with.

A hot tempered man must pay the penalty, if you rescue an angry man, you will have to do it again tomorrow. (Proverbs19:19)

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I came across this at which I thought was so simple and easy to get started on. I repeat 1 affirmation each Sunday night before I go to bed, sometimes until I fall asleep. It really makes a big difference to how you see life and gives a booster to the start of your week.

       1.       There are people in this world that would die for me.

2.       There are people in this world I would die for.

3.       The truth will set me free.  I will never lie.

4.       People are not mind readers.  I must never hesitate to tell someone how I feel.

5.       Mistakes happen.  I must learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others.

6.       Life is short and people are not perfect.  I will forgive myself.  I will forgive others.

7.       My smile brings happiness to the world around me.

8.       There is nobody else exactly like me, with my exact abilities, talents, and ideas.

9.       I can help myself by helping those around me first.

10.    The people I care about deserve to know it.  I will show them how much they mean to me on a regular basis.

11.    I will accept compliments and criticism openly and make educated decisions based on a weighted sum of the two.

12.    Information is infinite.  There are ideas, products and cultures I do not yet understand.  I will always keep an open mind to new formulas.

13.    I am in competition with one person, and one person only… myself.  I am competing to be the best I can be.

14.    True wisdom is the byproduct of life experience.  I will seek as many real world experiences as possible.

15.    Education involves self-imposed discipline.  I can only learn if I want to learn.  I want to learn.

16.    I will treat everyone with the same level of respect I would give to my grandfather and the same level of patience I would have with my baby brother.

17.    I am what I eat.  My body is a machine that must be fueled properly if I intend to make it last.

18.    I will think before I act, but I will always act.

19.    I will try new things for the sake of broadening my horizons.

20.    I will never be reckless with another person’s feelings.

21.    I will never let someone persist on being reckless with my feelings.

22.     The three most important things in my life are my health, my family and friends, and my education.  Everything else is secondary.

23.    I will celebrate my successes.  I deserve it.

24.    Money will only make my life easier if it is mine free and clear.

25.    If I wake up several mornings in a row and hate what I am about to do with my day, I will make a change.  Life is too short.

26.    I will never be jealous.  Jealously only deteriorates possibility.

27.    My attitude can change my reality.

28.    If I want to remember it, I will write it down in a trusted location.

29.    I will never spend more than I have.

30.    I will thank the people who have helped me, and I will return the favor as soon as I am able.

31.    I will never complain about a problem.  I will supply a solution instead.

32.    I will listen more than I speak.

33.    If I don’t know, I will ask questions.

34.    Everything is nothing without happiness.  I must do what makes me happy.

35.    I will never succumb to greed.  Enough is enough.

36.    Time is precious.  I will manage my time effectively.

37.    Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life.  I will make the best of it.

38.    I will stand firm by my values without senselessly promoting them.

39.    I will never over-promise.  I will over-deliver on everything I commit to.

40.    I will always assess the situation and provide value where needed.

41.    I cannot make someone love me.  I can only be someone who can be loved.

42.    I will always strive to be the best I can be, but I will never try to be someone I’m not.

43.    I will always articulate my words so people understand me.

44.    I will slow down and become conscious of life’s simple pleasures.

45.    Everything I do is by choice.  There is always another option.

46.    Less is more.  I will get rid of the stuff I do not use.

47.    If I never try, I will never know.

48.    I will face my fears.  I will not cower.

49.    My habits define my life.

50.    I will always take ownership of my actions, or my actions will own me.

51.    I will never make decisions in a state of emotional haste.

52.    If I don’t finish what I start, my success rate will always be zero.


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If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.

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Do not look back or dwell on the past because that will only become limit your success and hold you back.

Just picture yourself in a sprinting competition, do you think you can win the race if you keep looking back at who is behind you ?  Actually NO because the person behind you has already taken over you and YES you are falling behind in the race.

You must play the character or the ideal person you would like to be now. So if I want to lose weight or be a skinny bitch I would first have to be one in the mind or act like if I was skinny NOW. This will only put me in the habit of who I would want to be or else I would never be skinny.

Looking back will only put you 3 steps behind your goal, you can only learn from it but not making the same mistakes again.

I know for sure eating heaps and then torturing myself at the gym does not make me feel happy at all because after eating it’s the guilt and then I know I would have to waste more time to burn the energy at the gym. So why don’t I eat less and then can exercise the same amount which makes my life a lot easier so that way I can spend more time doing what I enjoy rather than punishing myself at the gym.

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       Forgive people instantly for what they have done and said to you regardless how harsh and harmful it was to you. Because not letting this go will only hold you back by dwelling on what they have said to you. As a consequence you will end up hurting yourself even more, so do not be the victim.


        Move on and look forward- what should you do to fix a recurring problem that has annoyed people around you ?


        Do not dwell on the past mistakes because subconsciously you are telling yourself to repeat those mistakes again rather than focusing on the right things to do. Bear in mind thinking of the past mistakes and failures all the time is letting out negative energy to the universe, so therefore focusing on what is right and the outcome will give yourself positive power to achieve your dream goal in mind.

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Programming and training your mind takes effort and practice. This is to change your thoughts and to have a positive mind at all times would definitely change your life.


Don’t let the circumstances over power your life or in other words to impact or limit your success. You can always learn through the hard times by taking it a  positive way. Bear in mind everything happens for a reason and for its good purpose if only you take it this way and if you choose  to learn from it.


Life is all about making choices if you choose to let adversity take over your life it means that you have made the choice to fail and as a result it will make yourself upset or disappointed. On the other hand if you have made the choice to live your dream, you will have to be that person now, and before too long, you will be the dream person you want to be without you realising.


To live your dreams it is very easy!! How? Remember you need to BE before you can BECOME that ideal person in your dream.

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How would I define success? For starters, I wouldn’t describe it in one definitive statement.

Much like ‘love,’ each person has their own experiences, and therefore, has their own way of describing it.

For me, success is a feeling you’ve done well at something- whether it be large or small- no matter what, you still feel that sense of achievement. You want to just pat yourself on the back (when not in public)

You see, we live in a society where success is generally judged by status (job) or material wealth which then leads to discontent within ourselves when those things aren’t achieved. If you don’t have a great career, X amount of wealth, a house are not considered successful. People tend to dismiss their other achievements to instead keep up with “the Jonses” which is only competing with everyone else. Success is not pursued, it is attracted as ability may get you to the top, but your “character and attitude” will keep you there.

So what’s the solution?

A change in your way of thinking and attitude about your life and surroundings. Sounds simple doesn’t it? For some it may just be, but for others this process may take years depending on their habits, experiences, cultural backgrounds and childhood conditioning.

One step is to change you definition of success NOW. Try not to compare your achievement with those of others. Be grateful about for what you have achieved no matter how small. It may be the following:

–        Keeping your household budget for the week

–        Turning up to work early  for a whole month instead of running late

–        You were able to resist that takeaway coffee urge each day which has now saved you thousands each year or that packet of chips which you would have regretted anyways

–        You made someone laugh or smile

You see, the more I feel I am continually achieving success, the more it is coming my way. Also, consider every failure as an opportunity to become a better person and to learn rather than letting it get the best of you. We all make mistakes, it’s how you overcome the adversity that determines your life.

Start with small steps until this becomes a habit. Be patient and consistent, don’t expect things to happen instantly as this will only lead to frustration and would take away all the hard work you’ve put in so far.

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If you keep doing the same things you are doing now, you will keep getting the same results.

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